Research Progress on Cellular Senescence in Skin Aging and Wound Healing

How to Cite

zhang, yixiang, & Li, qingfeng. (2023). Research Progress on Cellular Senescence in Skin Aging and Wound Healing. American Journal of Translational Medicine, 7(4), 293–308. Retrieved from


Due to the increasing aging population, society and our healthcare system are facing unprecedented challenges related to the growing number of elderly individuals. As medical doctor, we can improve the treatment and care of elderly patients by understanding the aging mechanisms that affect the body during the aging process. One of the major hallmarks of aging is cellular senescence, which has recently become a focal point of research in academia and industry. Senescent cells are metabolically active but in a state of stable cell cycle arrest, and they are associated with aging and many age-related diseases. Further characterization of the biology of aging has revealed that it can be both detrimental and beneficial to organisms depending on tissue context and the degree of chronicity. Here, we first review the mechanisms and features of cellular senescence and delve into its role in skin aging, wound healing, and tissue regeneration. We also discuss various recent attempts to intervene in senescent cells as a novel approach to combating aging.